Saturday, 6 February 2016

The Jamberry saga continues to another year...

Well its a new year and I have to say my nails are TERRIBLE! The worst they have ever been - soft and breaking ALL the time - I have never had such soft nails before. I have never had any problems in growing them to a good length but since having the wraps on them constantly for a month before Christmas, I have to say they have damaged my nails very badly!
So I left the wraps off for over a month hoping that my nails would grow back a little better. Finally they have grown a tiny bit but are still very short and I will only use the wraps for very short term wearing now - a few days and then remove and leave the nails to breathe and grow. 
I put some wraps on last night (Friday) as I was going out today and on Monday but I will take them off on Tuesday I think. Perhaps putting on a new set for the following Friday as I have a market that night. 

So here are the latest ones - Jamberry "Sunday Brunch" which are ok but not as pretty as I thought they would be. I might start selling off the spare ones I have that I wont wear again as its silly keeping them if Im not going to ever wear them again.
I have quite a few in stock at the moment and also got a great buy from my favourite seller on ebay who has a bigger range now - these are "Fabulous Nail Wraps" and lovely quality. Have a look if you are interested in a more budget priced range and dont mind more plainer designs though she is getting in more designs now. madmaxamus
Here are some of her designs - arent they cute? Less than $10 each too!

(photos belong to Madmaxamus)
 I got a bulk pack of hers just before Christmas so I have heaps to use up but Im checking her designs every week to see what new ones she is introducing. Support an Aussie business!
Oh and my toenails are also ruined at the moment due to leaving the Christmas wraps on for a couple of weeks. 
So that is the latest in the nail wrap saga!

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